Full of Grace-Blagodatna
- SKU:
- SP-BK-HAG-2022-001
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Pubslihed by: Laguna
Authors: Maxim Vasiljevic; Ivana Lemkul
This richly illustrated book presents pictorial depictions of the Virgin Marry in Serbian medieval monasteries. A unique edition, very luxurious and attractive. The format allows one to enjoy the photos accompanied by the texts written by Bishop Maksim Vasiljevic and the art historian Dr. Ivana Lemkul. Bishop Grigorije of Germany wrote the foreword. Exciting, educational reading, the studies are expertly written; on the other hand, they are very receptive and understandable. A unique added value to the book is its bilingualism: we can read the texts in both English and Serbian, allowing readers interested in this topic but do not speak or know the Serbian language well enough to enjoy it.
“By scrolling through this book and looking at the most beautiful frescoes of our ancient monasteries, we are taught one unusually important truth, and that is that the incomprehensible and indescribable God became man by settling in the womb of the humble girl Mary. Also, that there, below her heart, a miraculous and indescribable meeting between the immortal and the mortal took place, and thus immortal transformed the mortal into the immortal. A miraculous secret towards which it is best to travel gazing into the face of the Mother, whose eyes are fixed on the Face of God.” – Bishop Grigorije
Idealna je za poklon ali i neizostavna na polici svake kućne biblioteke.
„Listajući ovu knjigu i gledajući najljepše freske naših drevnih manastira, poučavamo se jednoj neobično važnoj istini, a to je da je nesmjestivi i neopisivi Bog postao čovjek smjestivši se u utrobu smirene djevojke Marije. I da je tu, ispod njenog srca, došlo do čudesnog i neopisivog dodira između besmrtnog i smrtnog, te da je tako besmrtno preobrazilo i smrtno u besmrtno. Čudesna tajna ka kojoj je najbolje putovati zagledan u lice Majke, čiji pogled netremice gleda lice Boga. Uz blagodarnost za ovaj poduhvat, prilažem ovo skromno svjedočanstvo kao malo uzdarje pregaocima i misionarima zaslužnim za nasta nak ove knjige. Blagosloveno je to djelo, kao što je blagosloven i Zapad jednako kao Istok, i kao što su blagoslovom Božijim blagosloveni Sjever i Jug.“
– Episkop Diseldorfa i Nemačke Grigorije