Author: Bishop Maxim Vasiljevic
Published by: Laguna
Koji su događaji obeležili savremeni svet i moderno društvo? Kako je sve što se u poslednje vreme dešava povezano sa osnovnim postulatima vere? Da li čovečanstvo danas, uprkos svim nedaćama i iskušenjima, ima snage da u sebi pronađe iskru istinske samilosti, čovekoljublja, duboke empatije i hrišćanskih vrednosti? Autor promišljeno, jasno i nadahnuto povezuje hrišćansku mudrost sa današnjim vremenom, ponašanjem, kulturom i umetnošću.
Language: Serbian
Audio book Vidjenje Nevidljivog
His Grace Bishop Maxim (Vasiljević) of Los Angeles and Western America of the Serbian Orthodox Church
His Grace Bishop Maxim (Vasiljevic) of Hum was elected for the Western Diocese at the regular assembly of the Hierarchs of the Serbian Orthodox Church in 2006. Bishop Maxim is docent of Divinity School at the Theological Faculty of the University of Belgrade, and for Christian Anthropology and Sociology at the Theological Faculty of the University of East Sarajevo. Bishop Maxim graduated at the Theological Faculty of the Serbian Orthodox Church in 1993. In 1998 he completed his Masters of Theology at the University of Athens in 1996, and then three years later, in 1999, at the same university, he defended his doctorate in the field of Dogmatics and Patristics. He worked for one year on his post-doctorate in Paris and the Sorbonne in 2003-04, in the field of Byzantine History and Theology. During this time, he also delved in the theory and practical application of painting, under the guidance of A. Pinkas at the French Academy of Fine Arts in Paris. He speaks Greek, French, Russian and English.