
Patrologija 5

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Eastern Fathers of the Church Fathers from St. Photius the Great to the Fall of Constantinople

Свети Оци и Учитељи Цркве на Истоку од Св. Фотија (9. век) до пада Цариграда (1453)
by Bishop Atanasije (Jevtić)

This volume surveys the Eastern Fathers and writers from the 9th to 15th centuries. In the beginning, two students of St. Photius are examined, Aretha of Caesaria and Patriarch Nicholas the Mystic, followed by two Ohrid Saints and writers: Clement and Theophilactus. Then there are two Byzantine philosophers, Mihail Pselos and Jovan Italos. After them are the names of John Mavroupous, Athanasius of Athos, Symeon the New Theologian, Niketas Stethatos, Paul Evergetinos, Patriarchs Michael Cerularius and Peter III of Antioch, Nicholas Bishop of Methonos, Symeon Metaphrastes, Euthimius Zigavinos, Callistus and Philotheus Kokinos, Sergius of Radonjez, Nil Sorski, Nilus and Nicholas Kavassilas. The following is a larger group of notables of writers from the Balkans: Saint Sava of Serbia, and his biographers Domentian and Theodosius, Grigory of Sinai, Nicephorus Kallistus, Saint Gregory of Palama. The Byzantine Interpreters of the sacred canons are also included Aristine, Zonaras, and Balsamon.

Language: Serbian
Published 2019